Middle of the night

It’s 04:43am. I’m very tired. I want to sleep but there are so many things in my head that I just can’t! I feel my head hurting. I’m sitting in front of the PC for days now, trying to do my coursework and all.. I want to finish everything by Friday evening so I can relax on Friday night and possibly go watch a movie. I’m dying to watch Cars!...

17.08.2006 04:53

G4 Cube Introduction at Macworld 2000

A nice trip down memory lane!

14.08.2006 16:41

Links from del.icio.us

On the previous blog I used to post links from my del.icio.us account. I just set it up again, so from tomorrow there will be posts with links I come across, hopefully on a daily basis.

13.08.2006 02:25

Hello world, again!

After a change in hosting companies and an unsuccessful backup of my previous blog, I’m obligated to start from scratch. I’m back in London at the moment, doing a resit coursework on 3D. Therefore I’m quite busy but I’ll try to post as much as I can and update the site as soon as possible 🙂

07.08.2006 05:00

Friday, 21 May 2004

Well today is my nameday! 🙂 I’m really excited over this! Two of my best friends are with me @ home and we’ll probably do something special tonight. Dunno what yet.. Well that’s about it for now.. Over and out.

21.05.2004 14:30

What does this do?

I’ve become really interested in this blog thingie. I have started reading other peoples’ blogs and have found some nice tools that can be used with Movable Type. Like this thing that I’m using now to write this post. It’s called w.Bloggar. It installs a program on your PC and lets you make new posts and edit older ones from your PC. Too cool!

18.05.2004 18:50

Been up all night...

I’ve been up all night trying to get this thing half-decent. I think I have succeeded in some parts. I like the colours very much, this reddish is really cool. I’m gonna stick with it for a while. So, Monday today. A good start to the week! I always like Mondays. Not so much cause it’s the start of the week.. I really don’t know why I do! I’m also very anxious to get the new Sopranos episode which was aired last night in the States....

17.05.2004 14:05

What does it mean?

You probably wonder what the heck “quatzacoalt” means. To tell you the truth, it means absolutely NOTHING! Let me tell you the story of how I came up with this unusual nickname. When I was in high school, my friends and I used to go on a place called IHOT after school and on Saturdays. At one time, all the trays in the store had a piece of paper on them which told the story of Quetzalcoatl....

17.05.2004 06:51

Here we go, again..!

This is a new day for me. Following a change in web hosting and the works, I’ve decided to change the look and feel of my website. From now on this is going to be the space of my web journal! I’m using Movable Type which is a very cool and customizable tool. I can’t wait to explore its full potential! I really don’t know how this thing will work out but I am very excited!...

17.05.2004 04:34

Hello again

Haven’t been here much lately.. The reason for this is that I’m back in the UK and due to some problems, I did not have the time to get involved with the site as much as I would like. In fact, this is the 1st update since I came back to London. Anyway, enough said. I’m trying to sort out my life & my things @ the moment.. About the website though: one update coming up for sure: Greek version of the website (If and when I have the time to do it)....

12.09.2003 18:00