Dolphin massacre in Japan

This is just wrong.. If you’ve got a strong stomach, please watch the following video and then sign the online petition.

26.02.2007 15:44

One of the best t-shirt shops online. I was immediately hooked! I bought my first t-shirt on the 12th and I received it yesterday! That’s pretty quick, right? 🙂 Kudos to them! This is the design for the t-shirt I bought! The quality of the print is awesome, the same goes for the quality of the garment! And the design is just hilarious! Designs are submitted by members who can win €1000 if their design is printed....

16.02.2007 23:39

Tracking my Nike+ UPS delivery

I’m confused 😐

15.02.2007 22:48

Animator vs. Animation in 3D

13.02.2007 21:34

Animator vs. Animation II

03.02.2007 03:35


I’ve got 7 invites for MacHeist to give away, so if anyone wants one, please leave a comment on this post 🙂 All gone!

10.11.2006 19:34

I'm back!

Yes, I’m back! More to follow..

06.11.2006 13:37

Weird MacBook Pro noise

Since the introduction of the MacBook Pro (MBP for short) I’ve been thinking of selling my year-old 17″ PowerBook G4 and buying a new 17″ MBP. I’ve been reading many stories about the new MBPs and I’m not very happy. Random shutdowns, weird noises etc. I’ve just watched this video and it has definitely made its point. One of the best things about my PowerBook is that it’s quiet. Dead quiet....

02.09.2006 16:35

Windows Vista Pre-RC1 available for download

If you’re interested in test-driving the latest release of Windows Vista (pre-RC1) for free, click here. It’s available for a limited time only, as it says on the website, they will close it down when they reach 100,000 downloads. So, if you’re interested get it fast! From what I’ve been reading, it’s a very good and stable release, nothing compared to the previous Beta 2. Since I’m in Greece and only with my PowerBook, I can’t install it yet but as soon as I go back to London I will!...

30.08.2006 08:38

Back in Greece

I haven’t posted for a couple of days. It’s been hectic! 🙂 Here’s why.. On Saturday I was still in London. I was doing my coursework literally till the last minute. I left for the airport in a rush. However I arrived at Heathrow pretty early. I check-in quickly and went through to the Departures area. Security was everywhere. I was definitely feeling it.. Airport staff helping passengers sort their on-board stuff, police with machine guns, the works!...

21.08.2006 21:11