Working out

After a month of absence, I started working out again today! Instead of going on my usual route around Millwall Dock, I decided to go to Mudchute Park. It was much more enjoyable 🙂 As far as the workout goes, I am quite satisfied with my performance! 😀

14.05.2007 19:23

At last, unlimited Joost invites to give away!

People in the comments have been saying that there are now unlimited invites for Joost beta testers! Well, I got my ‘unlimited’ invites today (999 to be exact) so if anyone is still looking for one, let me know! 🙂

02.05.2007 23:57

Even more Joost invites!

I’ve got 4 invites to give! Comment away! 😀 Update: Only one left!! None left! 😛

01.05.2007 21:40

Joost invites

A few days ago I was invited to Joost. I haven’t played too much with it yet but I like what I’ve seen so far, especially the interface. If you’d like to check it for yourself, leave your email in the comments and I’ll send you an invite! Works on PCs running Windows XP/Vista and Intel-based Macs running OS X 10.4 or later. Invites left: 0 Update: Wow, that was quick!...

19.04.2007 14:43

Get invited to Fridaycities

Fridaycities is a new social network for London (At the moment, that is. They plan to expand to other cities around the globe in the future!). I’m a member for quite some time and I’m enjoying the site very much! I’ve read some interesting stuff about the city I live in for the past 6 years! So if you want to join the fun, just go to and put the following invitation code in the box on the right of the homepage 🙂...

23.03.2007 23:43

The Ten London Transportation Commandments

Thou shalt walk whenever possible, but always from Charing Cross to Embankment. Thou shalt have thine Oyster Card in thine hand when thou reachest the ticket barriers, and not stand there, rummaging through thine bag for five minutes, like a tool. Thou shalt not consume fragrant foodstuffs or alcohol, unless thou art a vagrant. Thou shalt attend to personal hygiene. In particular, if thou hast been wassailing heartily the night before, thou shalt take special care to brush thine teeth in the morning....

23.03.2007 23:31

New £20 note

This is the new design of the £20 note which began circulating last week. I got my hands on it today! At first I was baffled, I thought it was Scottish or something. But no, it’s a new design! I like it very much although I will have to get used to it! I asked the clerk at the bank if there’ll be new designs for other denominations (£5, £10, £50) but sadly he said no 🙁...

22.03.2007 20:39

Minor update on Google Reader

I just noticed a small update on the GUI of Google Reader. The sidebar on the left which shows your subscribed feeds has been updated and now includes a ‘Refresh’ button on top. The link to manage your subscriptions remains at the bottom of the sidebar. Nice little update, looks a lot better! Update: Noticed some more changes. It seems that many links within the GUI of Google Reader have been changed into buttons, such as the ‘Mark all as read’ at the top of the viewing pane....

15.03.2007 02:00

Mailplane - Gmail on your desktop

If you’re using Gmail and you’re on a Mac, then this post might interest you! Mailplane is a new application that integrates Gmail into your Mac desktop! Mailplane is currently in private beta, so go ahead and register if you’re interested! I know I am 🙂 All I have to do now is wait for my invitation! [via]

14.03.2007 15:23

Amazing new images of Saturn

The Cassini spacecraft has captured some amazing new images of Saturn which are definately worth checking out! [via]

06.03.2007 13:49