I’ve been up all night trying to get this thing half-decent. I think I have succeeded in some parts. I like the colours very much, this reddish is really cool. I’m gonna stick with it for a while.
So, Monday today. A good start to the week! I always like Mondays. Not so much cause it’s the start of the week.. I really don’t know why I do!
I’m also very anxious to get the new Sopranos episode which was aired last night in the States. The Sopranos is by far the BEST TV show!
Remember the Microsoft stolen source code some months ago? Well now, it’s CISCO’s turn.. Some malicious code was released over the weekend. For more info on this story, click here.
The Feds finally did some good work and prosecuted more that 65 people for child pornography! More on this story here.